Dow Bay Area Family YMCA

Dow Bay Area Family YMCA

Noon Ball



Noon Ball is an organized opportunity to play adult basketball on our courts. Noon Ball is open to all Dow Bay Area Family YMCA members who are aged 18 and older. There are no additional costs to join in on a Noon Ball game!

Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Sunday   


  1. No profanity allowed.
  2. No fighting. Any fighting on Dow Bay Area Family YMCA property will result in suspension from the YMCA.
  3. Shirts must be worn at all times.
  4. All games are 2 on and 2 off.
  5. Newcomers play immediately. When someone arrives to Noon Ball and has not yet played, they automatically get to play in the next game.
  6. All games are played to 15. Win by 2 or 3 points.
  7. Scoreboard may be used if 25 or more people are playing. Ask the Fitness Floor staff to use the scoreboard. Time limit for the games with scoreboard usage will be 12 minutes. Noon Ball players are responsible for setting the time limit for each game.
  8. Free throw contest will determine who plays next on a team of 4 or less. If 4 or fewer players are waiting to play the next game, the losing team will shoot free throws to determine who stays on the court.
  9. All players must uphold the YMCA core values: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Caring.


6:30 PM–9:30 PM

After hours will run from 6:30 PM–9:30 PM for organized pick up basketball. Put the kids to bed & come play!

South Entrance Doors will be open between 6:15 PM-7:00 PM.

Noon Ball


Noon Ball is an organized opportunity to play adult basketball on our courts. Noon Ball is open to all Dow Bay Area Family YMCA members who are aged 18 and older. There are no additional costs to join in on a Noon Ball game!


Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Sunday   



  1. No profanity allowed.
  2. No fighting. Any fighting on Dow Bay Area Family YMCA property will result in suspension from the YMCA.
  3. Shirts must be worn at all times.
  4. All games are 2 on and 2 off.
  5. Newcomers play immediately. When someone arrives to Noon Ball and has not yet played, they automatically get to play in the next game.
  6. All games are played to 15. Win by 2 or 3 points.
  7. Scoreboard may be used if 25 or more people are playing. Ask the Fitness Floor staff to use the scoreboard. Time limit for the games with scoreboard usage will be 12 minutes. Noon Ball players are responsible for setting the time limit for each game.
  8. Free throw contest will determine who plays next on a team of 4 or less. If 4 or fewer players are waiting to play the next game, the losing team will shoot free throws to determine who stays on the court.
  9. All players must uphold the YMCA core values: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Caring.


6:30 PM–9:30 PM

After hours will run from 6:30 PM–9:30 PM for organized pick up basketball. Put the kids to bed & come play!

South Entrance Doors will be open between 6:15 PM-7:00 PM.