The YMCA is a membership-based organization open to all people, from all backgrounds. The YMCA welcomes women and men, girls and boys of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientation, abilities and financial circumstances. Our facility and the programs we offer embrace diversity, reflecting the needs and composition of the communities they serve.
Here at the YMCA you don’t buy a membership, you join and belong to the YMCA. The YMCA has over 21 million members who belong to the Y, spread out over 2,600 facilities nationwide. As a member of the YMCA, you belong to a community of people focused on wellness, family, and helping others. Now that you have taken the first step by becoming a member we encourage you to take advantage of all we have to offer. To help you get started, this handbook is to act as a guide and is subject to change. It will provide you with general information regarding your membership, our facility, and YMCA policies.
Using the principles of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Inclusion as a guide, we have implemented the following Code of Conduct to ensure that all who participate in the YMCA enjoy a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment. We expect persons using the YMCA to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and dignity of others.
Our Member / Participant Code of Conduct Policy lists examples of prohibited actions. Such actions include, but are not limited to the following:
In order to be able to carry out these policies, we ask that members and participants identify themselves to staff when asked. Adherence to the YMCA Code of Conduct Policy is essential. Failure to follow this code of conduct will result in disciplinary actions, which may include immediate eviction from the premises, loss of privileges, suspension or expulsion. The YMCA may contact police or other authorities for assistance or to take appropriate legal action. The CEO, or other authorized representative in his/her discretion, will determine whether a violation of the YMCA Member/Participant Code of Conduct has occurred.
Members and participants are encouraged to take responsibility for their personal comfort and safety by asking any person whose behavior threatens their comfort or unreasonably interferes with their enjoyment of the YMCA to refrain from such behavior. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a person directly is encouraged to report issues or concerns to the attention of the YMCA Staff, who are always ready to be of assistance. Members and participants are also asked to bring to the attention of the CEO any issues or concerns they have which apply to the staff of the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA. Every effort will be made to ensure that reports are investigated and resolved promptly and effectively.
Your membership dues represent your share of the total operational costs and are not based on use by facility usage. Members agree to a one-year commitment, and dues may be paid in full for one year or by using the YMCA monthly bank draft plan. Only members in good standing are allowed privileges of membership. Membership dues are not refundable.
The YMCA is a 501 (c)(3) charitable, non-profit organization, which relies on community support and donations to provide financial assistance for those in need and to establish or improve YMCA facilities. Gifts to the YMCA are always welcomed.
Individuals may join the YMCA using one of the following payment plans. All new memberships are granted only with a one-year commitment from the beginning date of the membership:
All new YMCA members are required to pay a new member joining-fee upon completion and submission of their YMCA membership application. Those who allow their membership to lapse for more than thirty (30) days are classified as new members and are therefore subject to pay the new member joining-fee upon enrollment. All new member joining-fees shall be equal to three (3) times the monthly membership rate for each membership category.
Inclusive Spaces Policy
Respect is a core value of the YMCA, and we respectfully ask all users of all locker rooms and restrooms to exhibit modesty by covering themselves while in common spaces, where possible. Our private changing room locker rooms provide the most privacy with individual changing spaces. Individuals who have a need or desire for increased privacy, regardless of the underlying reason, are welcome to private changing areas within gender-specific locker rooms or restrooms and in our private changing room locker rooms.
The Dow Bay Area Family YMCA is an inclusive and welcoming organization for all. We welcome all people regardless of ability, religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or marital status. The YMCA does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment from members, guests, employees, volunteers, contractors, visitors, or other persons with a business relationship with the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA.
All members have the right to be addressed by name and pronoun corresponding to their gender identity. The YMCA will assign gender as male, female, or nonbinary in the member/program management system based on the members preferred identity. The YMCA will assign the name the member wants to be called in the member/program management system and indicate the member’s legal name for accounting purposes. We value each of our members and will act in care and discretion with this information.
Nonbinary/Transgender members have the right to safe and appropriate locker room and restroom facilities within the YMCA. All members and their permitted guests shall have access to the use of gender-specific locker rooms or restrooms that correspond with their current gender identity and expression of it.
There are five locker rooms throughout the facility.
The steam rooms and saunas are located in the men and women locker rooms anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed to use them. Swimsuits must be worn when at all times in steam rooms and saunas.
Lockers are available for day use by members and guests. Each member or guest must bring his or her own lock and remove it at the end of each visit. Items left overnight will be removed from the locker rooms and placed in the lost and found. Always secure belongings, as the YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Locker Rentals – For half size lockers only. Bank draft members will be charged the monthly locker fee along with their regular monthly bank draft. Annual members will pay the locker fee in full coinciding with their commitment date. Email Joslyn at for more information or stop by the Member Service Desk.
This service is provided for YMCA members and guests while they enjoy using the YMCA. For children ages 2 months through age 12 (older siblings considered), this service is available at scheduled times for YMCA members using the facility. Parents or guardians of children must remain in the building at all times. Please see the KidZone for policies and procedures.
KidZone is a free service for all YMCA household memberships $3.00 per visit, per child for Adult, non-member program participants, daily guest pass users, or other facility users.
Individuals from the community may purchase a guest pass to the YMCA in the appropriate category. The YMCA reserves the right to limit the number of passes sold per day. Guests 16 years old and older must provide photo ID for guest past purchase.
The daily fee charged is as follows:
Membership at the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA is a privilege, not a right. Membership privileges may be suspended or revoked by the CEO or Membership Director. Length of suspension/ revocation is determined by the same authority. Any member whose membership has 5 been suspended or revoked may appeal to the Board of Directors. Program and membership fees are non-refundable for suspended memberships.
Active Military Service Personnel on temporary leave in the Great Lakes Bay Region may use the YMCA at no charge upon presentation of their military identification for the time limit of their leave. Passes will be given out by the Membership Director. Military service personnel stationed in the area are required to join the YMCA. See below for more information.
Armed Services Personnel – We understand that military families are under enormous strain. As a member of the YMCA, you and your family can spend quality time together and enjoy fun activities in a warm, supportive environment. It’s also a place to meet other military families who can relate to your unique situation.
Eligibility Requirements:
Title 10 personnel are eligible for a YMCA membership, including:
Note: The Relocated Spouse category supports families/spouse who relocate away from an installation/duty station while the active duty service member is deployed. All of the following criteria must be met:
Armed Services Membership Process:
Fill out and bring your eligibility form, Military ID and any other required documentation (usually, your Deployment Orders or Military Service Headquarters approval letter) to a participating YMCA for verification. Please do not leave copies of these documents at the YMCA.
Summer Membership – A short-term summer membership program will be available for adults and households for 90 days from May through the end of August. A summer membership may be converted to a full year’s membership with credit for a portion of the summer fee. There are no refunds of the summer membership.
“On Hold” Memberships – After the initial year commitment has been fulfilled, any Adult, Young Adult, or Household member may put their membership on hold. The YMCA will place the membership on hold for up to 3 months with no charge. After that it is a $20 a month fee, up to 6 months (any membership type). All seniors (65+) free for 6months. Please fill out the hold form here.
Medical Hold – Cases of serious illness substantiated by a physician’s statement with start date of illness or injury, will allow for the membership to be placed on hold without charge for a period up to 6 months. A Medical Hold form must be filled out signed by the physician. Please fill out the medical hold form here.
Transfer of Membership from Other Associations – Membership are not transferrable, however, if a member from another YMCA across the US wishes to join the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA, they may do so and pay no joining fee. A letter of good standing from their YMCA is required.
Membership Change– If you would like to change your membership to another type, please fill out the change form here.
There is a $25 service fee on all NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) checks/bank drafts/credit cards plus the bank fee charged to the YMCA.
All new members must sign a general liability release and waiver of claims form when joining.
At the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA, no one is denied membership or access to programs due to the inability to pay. The YMCA maintains a generous financial assistance program for those in need. Applications are available at the Membership Service Desk and must be completed entirely.
The amount of assistance is based on the pool of resources that is contributed by individuals, families, organizations and businesses within our community and grants that are awarded by governmental agencies. Financial assistance can only be granted to the extent that it can be funded. All assistance is available based on demonstrated need without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical or mental handicap. Assistance is awarded on a sliding fee scale. Financial Assistance determinations are based on household gross income and household size. Extenuating circumstances may be considered.
Eligibility Requirements:
When completing this application, please:
All information submitted with this application will be kept confidential. Applicants may be approved for a discount of up to 50%. You are responsible for bringing in any new information for reevaluation if your financial situation changes within the year allotted.
To ensure that all YMCA members and guests have an enjoyable and safe experience, the YMCA has developed this handbook to assist and guide Members through the facility.
All members are subject to the general rules and regulations established by the Membership Director with the approval of the Board of Directors. These rules and policies are subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
This handbook has been written to provide general information for you as a Facility Member of the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA. Although it is to serve as a guide to policies, procedures and benefits of membership, it is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the administration. No section of this handbook shall be interpreted as a contract between the YMCA and its members.
The Y supports nursing mothers. Mothers are welcome to nurse their children in any areas which are open to the public at the Y. Designated nursing rooms are also provided and are identified by signage for the comfort of nursing mothers, if desired.
Members must vacate the building by closing time each day and arrive no earlier than opening time. (An exception applies for those involved in a special event.)
Some YMCA amenities close 15 to 30 minutes before the building is closed to allow YMCA staff to secure all areas and allow time for users to change before the building closes.
There may be times when we will need to close certain areas of the facility for maintenance or special events. We will strive to reopen these areas as quickly as possible. In the event of an emergency or inclement weather, the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA reserves the right to close its facility to ensure the safety of its staff and members.
Each area in the YMCA has a session schedule of activities which is available in the main lobby and on the website
The YMCA reserves the right to change facility schedules without prior notice. Some hours of operation and areas of the building are scheduled for the exclusive use of specific groups.
A principal endeavor of the YMCA is to provide a healthy atmosphere for the growth and development of youth and children. Child abuse is mistreatment or neglect of a child by parent(s) or others resulting in injury or harm. Abuse may be physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual and can lead to severe emotional, physical and behavioral problems.
The mistreatment or neglect of children is of primary concern to the YMCA. Because of its concern for the welfare of children and youth, the YMCA has developed policies, standards, guidelines, and training to aid in the detection and prevention of child abuse.
In addition, employees and volunteers are screened and background checks are conducted. Employees and volunteers who have contact with children and youth receive training in recognizing, reporting and preventing child abuse, which includes training in recognizing signs that a child is being “groomed” for abuse.
The employees of the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA are mandated, by state law, to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities for investigation.
In the interest to maintain an environment that is safe for members, employees, and visitors, the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA reserves the right to prohibit access to its facilities and/or grounds to registered sex offenders. Any Individual known to be listed on any state or national sexual offender registry can be denied access to the YMCA.
Anyone caught taking inappropriate pictures of another person without their permission or knowledge will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and may have their membership/program privileges terminated by the CEO of the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA.
Cell phone usage is not allowed in any locker room or bathrooms in accordance with the Video Voyeurism Prevention Act of 2004.
The YMCA occasionally takes pictures of members and participants to use in various marketing materials. If a Member does not wish themselves or family members to be photographed, please step out of the photo or notify photographer before the photo is taken.
Report concerns immediately to any staff in the facility.
Non-YMCA material may be posted in the YMCA with the permission of the Membership and Marketing Director.
YMCA employees are available for personal instruction and coaching in fitness and aquatics. Private trainers, coaches, private swim instructors, and other independent contractors are prohibited from conducting business on YMCA property
When a member, program participant, spectator or guest enters the YMCA, he or she must check in at the Membership Service Desk. All members receive new membership cards when joining the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA and are required to bring them each time they use the facility. Members with cards must swipe them through a card reader, which will display their photo and staff will grant them access into the program areas of the facility. Members who do not have their cards need to stop at the Membership Service Desk so the staff person or volunteer can manually check them into the building through the computerized access system.
Individuals of any age who are not members of the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA but wish to use the facility are required to present a picture identification card and pay the appropriate fee at the Member Service Desk prior to entering the facility.
Members and program participants may park in the YMCA parking lots only while using the facility. Handicap parking is for those with a State issued handicap stickers. Senior Citizen parking is reserved for those 65 and older.
The Child Care Drop-Off / Pick-Up Area is short-term parking for parents/guardians of children enrolled in the YMCA childcare program between the hours of 7am and 6pm.
The Dow Bay Area YMCA facility is completely handicap accessible. If a Member is in need of special assistance, please call 989-895-8596 so that the YMCA may do its best to accommodate the Member.
The YMCA has a limited number of items for sale to YMCA members and the general public. See the Membership Service Desk for details.
Information regarding all YMCA programs and activities are available by contacting the YMCA during regular operating hours at 989-895-8596.
The Dow Bay Area Family YMCA maintains a website as another option for membership and program information. Applications for membership and other special events can be accessed and printed for each members convenience.
This is everyone’s YMCA. Please make concerns, comments, and other ideas known. Member suggestions cards are available at the Member Service Desk. The YMCA will acknowledge each comment and respond appropriately.
YMCA Employee Email Addresses can be found under “About Us” on the YMCA website For general information or to express a complaint or concern, e-mail the YMCA at
Phones at the Membership Service Desk are for YMCA business and emergency use only.
As a convenience for parents, a special “Call Home Phone” is located at the Membership Service Desk for the purpose of allowing youth members of the YMCA to call home (local calls only) to be picked up at the end of their class or activity. This phone may be used only with the permission of the Membership Service Desk staff that will also monitor the call.
The YMCA strives to be a safe and secure facility. Security of personal items is the responsibility of the owner of the items. The YMCA does not provide locks and is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items. Locks are available for purchase at the Member Service Desk.
Valuables should not be brought into the YMCA. Personal items should not be left unsupervised at any time. Please leave valuables at home. The YMCA strongly suggests that each member use a secure lock on lockers in all changing facilities. The Y asks that members bring in their own locks. Any locks left on overnight may be removed and the contents of the locker will be placed in lost and found. The YMCA is not responsible for the replacement of cut locks.
The YMCA will hold lost and found articles for 30 days. If unclaimed, they will be donated to a local charity. Please see the Membership Service Desk staff to look in the YMCA lost and found box.
Each person, as a member or visitor, is solely responsible for any personal injuries or losses sustained while on any YMCA property.
It is strongly encouraged and recommended that each Member consult a doctor prior to the start of any exercise program and, particularly if at a higher risk, have a physical examination prior to participation. The YMCA strongly recommends that all members carry their own accident and health insurance in the event of accidental injury.
The YMCA is not responsible for any claims, for whatever reason, caused by participation. As a participant, each member should be aware that there is a risk of personal injury due to the inherent nature of physical activity.
Certain YMCA programs may require medical screening and/or physician’s approval prior to participation. A pre-participation medical checkup and/or annual medical evaluation by a physician are strongly recommended for participation in YMCA physical fitness activities.
No medications of any type will be administered to members/individuals on any YMCA property except in the child care center as approved by the MI Child Care Licensing regulations.
All emergencies and injuries must be reported to a YMCA employee immediately. AED’s and first aid kits are located throughout the building at designated areas; Membership Service Desk, Fitness Floor, and pool deck.
YMCA staff will page individuals for emergencies.
Adult and family memberships include a number of programs at no additional cost. Restrictions to these offerings are:
The YMCA will make efforts to have all class times and scheduled hours published in the YMCA program and membership brochure. All participants must to be on time, dressed appropriately, and ready to begin classes. Parents are required to accompany children under the age of 13 to their classes and to be promptly picking the child up at the time when the class finishes.
Members and Prospective Members in good standing may register for programs at the Membership Service Desk. Full payment is expected and due at the time of registration. Classes are subject to minimum and maximum enrollment. Waiting lists are established for maximum enrolled classes. Age for class participation is the age as of the first day of class. Due to the popularity of classes, the YMCA does not hold registration spots.
No make-ups are held if a class is missed due to sickness or personal reasons in any case. If a class date falls on a day the YMCA is closed, no class is held.
All class times and scheduled hours are published within the seasonal program guide under their respective topic areas. The YMCA encourages all participants to be on time and ready to begin classes at the starting time. Scheduling is strictly adhered to and there is no provision for class extension time. Parents are required to accompany children under the age of 10 to their classes and to be there at release time.
Late program registrations will only be accepted for the first two (2) weeks of a program session unless approved by the designated director responsible for the class.
The YMCA reserves the right to change building schedules, fees, and membership rates without notice, as well as cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment. When events beyond the YMCA’s control causes a program cancellation such as holidays, inclement weather, instructor illness, etc., no refund, credit, or make-up class is guaranteed.
Weather related closings will be broadcast on local radio/television stations and via mobile app.
Class and program fees are non-refundable except under the following conditions:
As a community service organization, the YMCA thrives on people helping people. It is an exciting experience to share, to teach, to give, and to learn by working with and helping other people. Anyone interested in giving some of his/her time and energy to helping others can volunteer in a variety of YMCA activities. Please see the Volunteer Coordinator for more information.
Anyone interested in volunteering must:
Using the principles of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Inclusion as a guide, we have implemented the following Code of Conduct to ensure that all who participate in the YMCA enjoy a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment. We expect persons using the YMCA to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and dignity of others.
Our Member / Participant Code of Conduct Policy lists examples of prohibited actions. Such actions include, but are not limited to the following:
Unsafe or inappropriately distracting, immodest, or sexually revealing attire. Swimsuits are required in all pools, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms. Clothing with vulgar/profane writing or language is not allowed
Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or any type of menacing behavior
Verbally abusive behavior, including swearing or vulgar language, name-calling, or shouting
Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive, or threatening way
Carrying or concealing a weapon or any device or object that may be used as a weapon. (MCL 28.4250)
Loitering within or on the grounds of the YMCA
Sexually explicit conversation or behavior; any sexual contact with another person on YMCA property, or at YMCA sponsored programs
Smoking on YMCA property – the YMCA and its property is a smoke and tobacco free environment (e-cigarettes included)
Theft or behavior that results in the destruction or loss of property or injury to a person
Using, possessing, buying, or selling drugs, narcotics, or illegal chemicals on YMCA property, or at YMCA sponsored programs; or the unsanctioned use, possession, buying, or selling of alcohol
Engaging in conduct that unreasonably interferes with another member or staff persons’ enjoyment of the YMCA
In order to be able to carry out these policies, we ask that members and participants identify themselves to staff when asked. Adherence to the YMCA Code of Conduct Policy is essential. Failure to follow this code of conduct will result in disciplinary actions, which may include immediate eviction from the premises, loss of privileges, suspension or expulsion. The YMCA may contact police or other authorities for assistance or to take appropriate legal action. The CEO, or other authorized representative in his/her discretion, will determine whether a violation of the YMCA Member/Participant Code of Conduct has occurred.
Members and participants are encouraged to take responsibility for their personal comfort and safety by asking any person whose behavior threatens their comfort or unreasonably interferes with their enjoyment of the YMCA to refrain from such behavior. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a person directly is encouraged to report issues or concerns to the attention of the YMCA Staff, who are always ready to be of assistance. Members and participants are also asked to bring to the attention of the CEO any issues or concerns they have which apply to the staff of the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA. Every effort will be made to ensure that reports are investigated and resolved promptly and effectively.
Children in our building who are under 13 years of age are required to be directly supervised while in our building. Directly supervised means that you can see your child and monitor their activities and behavior.
Kidzone is available during morning and evening hours most days of the week and is free for Household members to use.
To ensure a safe and positive environment for all, failure to follow these rules may affect your membership status.
Cardio Equipment, Fitness Floor
& Free Weights (with direct parent supervision)
Cardio Equipment, Fitness Floor
& Free Weights
24/7 Fitness Center
(with waiver)
Children under 10, strollers, baby seats, etc, are not permitted on the fitness floor.
Strollers are allowed on the track.
5:00 AM–9:00 PM
5:00 AM–8:00 PM
7:00 AM–6:00 PM
9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Monday – Thursday
5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Individuals will not be turned away from participating in programs, activities, and/or membership due to their inability to pay. The Y maintains a generous financial assistance program for youth, adults, and families who demonstrate financial need. Funding for this program is provided by fundraising events at the Dow Bay Area Family YMCA and community-wide donors.